Sunday, February 28, 2010


Underground photographer stealing cameras and taking photos with them. Anyway I am pleased to have gotten some photos and cooking waves all weekend. It is spring tide at the moment so the extreme highs and lows have definitely bought through cooking waves. Some photos:

Cobus Bosman on a cracker

I broke me spine

Nice barrel

Junker on a siick one

Finsh it off with a solo shot of the tiki box

Something sick to check: really sick bodyboarding shop based in Durban for all your bodyboarding needs, check it out

Saturday, February 20, 2010

sunday bloody sunday

It is Sunday again and im so dead from yesterday I am barely awake as I type this. Luckily spell check is here to correct my errors. Scored cooking caves yesterday with a super good 2nd wedge session before I left to stoke my life. Swell is kind of weird today so don't think im going to surf.

Some photos from yesterday.

Me doing a nice little vert

Werner Adendorf with big air revo

Simon Heale with a massive invert

Mafoos nice revo

Friday, February 19, 2010

post number one

This blog is new this blog is fresh. Next level shit. It will be updated weekly so make sure to check it out.

Some photos to froth on