Sunday, November 22, 2015

Southern Tip Tales

I went as far South as possible this weekend. An unexpected trip to Cape Agulhas left me feeling rather moist as I had my first link up with the infamous Garrick and I also got back behind the kite for the first time since April. Unfortunately I am not allowed to exert my wrist which means I should be keep it very relaxed with some hooked in maneuvers and test some butter slides. This still excites me.

I went for a glorious afternoon walk yesterday and snapped a few photos:

Monday, November 16, 2015


There are big things happening in the Northern hemisphere currently. High tensions as the Winter is approaching and I am starting to feel like it might be a good idea to stock up on supplies and find a cute cave around the coast to hibernate in. 

I have been enjoying my time back home resetting into my usual life and I am excited for the months to come. I have managed to surf a few times with my disabled arm and my stoke levels are slowly rising. I might even be going west soon ;)

Here are some photos I have taken since being home.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fires in disquise

On Thursday evening I went to Blouberg to watch the Guy Fawkes events unfold. It was incredibly loud and as it appears turned into a young natural disaster of sorts with a Chinese lantern setting the Flamingo Vlei reserve alight. What a lemon!

I had a groovy time regardless and I am stoked that the Dirty Habits and Liquid Force Cape Town crowd rallied up the troops to help with the cleaning of the beach the following day.