Sunday, December 20, 2015

Summertime sins


My life has become significantly looser after the graduation and it is safe to say I have found freedom. The last few weeks have been a blur of golden sunsets, windy beach days, and aquatic ecstasy. 

In saying this, I will however add that it is time to get my ducks lined up and start packing bags for a voyage. My mind is tossing and turning between ideas and it seems like each week that passes my plan for the new year is altered. I will take the remainder of the year to think wisely about my movements and in the new year I will begin to put my master plan into action. Or I will just live in Strand. Who knows?

Here are some photos of things my eyes have seen over the last two weeks. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Southern Tip Tales

I went as far South as possible this weekend. An unexpected trip to Cape Agulhas left me feeling rather moist as I had my first link up with the infamous Garrick and I also got back behind the kite for the first time since April. Unfortunately I am not allowed to exert my wrist which means I should be keep it very relaxed with some hooked in maneuvers and test some butter slides. This still excites me.

I went for a glorious afternoon walk yesterday and snapped a few photos:

Monday, November 16, 2015


There are big things happening in the Northern hemisphere currently. High tensions as the Winter is approaching and I am starting to feel like it might be a good idea to stock up on supplies and find a cute cave around the coast to hibernate in. 

I have been enjoying my time back home resetting into my usual life and I am excited for the months to come. I have managed to surf a few times with my disabled arm and my stoke levels are slowly rising. I might even be going west soon ;)

Here are some photos I have taken since being home.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fires in disquise

On Thursday evening I went to Blouberg to watch the Guy Fawkes events unfold. It was incredibly loud and as it appears turned into a young natural disaster of sorts with a Chinese lantern setting the Flamingo Vlei reserve alight. What a lemon!

I had a groovy time regardless and I am stoked that the Dirty Habits and Liquid Force Cape Town crowd rallied up the troops to help with the cleaning of the beach the following day.

Friday, October 30, 2015

The low down

I have had a wonderful last two weeks mainly spent in Strand and have managed to get salty almost everyday. What a blessing.

Attached are some chronologically ordered photos from the last 2 weeks.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

$oft on the eyes

Dollar bills for the cheap thrills shit ye'

I am super stoked to announce that I have moved most of my soul back to the slums of Strand only to return to Stellenbosch for a few tasks and two exams. Oh yes and hopefully a graduation! I never thought this day would come but here it is. I can remember the day I first moved all of my belongings to Stellenbosch for the start of first year some four years ago. I am psyched though it is time to get busy living :)

On a positive note I am out of my splint and managed to stand up on a surfboard today out at the infamous Strand Dakkies. I have developed a new style to getting up onto my feet and fall alot but hey I will take any progress. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

So goes life

Like this. The last four months have been blurry and I am still confused. It has been a while since my body has been put through its paces. My brain on the other hand has never been fitter and I have been putting in many hours with the ultimate goal of completing my BEng Civil degree within virtually one month. Can you believe it? I sure as shit can't.

The weekend was fruitful and relaxing with plenty sunshine, salt water and reflections. Here are three photographs to summarize the happenings.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

RTD dust disco

I had a disco good weekend at Rocking The Daisies.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Youth Fountain

Times are heavy. Entering the final month of my tertiary education and the pressure has never been higher. I have a thesis that is hopefully falling together so that I can be finished by November and be graduating in December. Unfortunately this does not mark complete freedom as my wrist is in a poor state of health so I will be imprisoned by a physical disability until further notice. Oh no no no!

On a more positive note, I had a mind opening hike into the Jonkershoek waterfall gorge yesterday. That place is wild and it is a challenging hike as well. Here are some photos from the walk on the wild side.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Strange Rumblings

That marks the end of my final recess period and the start of my final formal term of academics (hopefully) for the rest of my life. This is momentous! It is easy to get caught up in the technicalities of the working environment but it is very important to take sufficient time off to keep your mind set on the greater scope of things.

It was hardly a recess period as the full week was spent in Stellenbosch being studious, but here and there I got to the mountain and ended off the weekend getting salted and sun crusted at the watering hole. 

Here are some cruising photos from the second half of my one week recess.

Good lines

Vertical limits

Hmmmm good morning

Blood diamond


This place is delightful

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Donkey Kong Island

The summer sun has shown its face and with it was a weekend full of intense adventure.

On Friday late afternoon myself and Don left the village with hiking boots, sleeping bags, an inflatable ferry vessel, a fine herb selection, and many kilojoules worth of sweets. The hike up in the heat of the day made me a young bit useless but we arrived on sunset and over the great strait we kicked. I do believe I had the most impressive sunrise on Saterday morning too ;)