Sunday, October 8, 2017

We are all a little different

Why do you work at the beach? Why do you work in an office?

Why do you have a job? Why don't you have a job?

Why do you ride a long board? Why do you ride a short board?

Why is anything the way it is? Simple.

We all view situations based on our respective live experiences and from this we base our judgements and opinions. You live and you learn naturally and this is going to happen throughout the life path which will for sure have you change your opinions.

You see, I see you see things differently

Even me, I see things differently

All the things I've learn't along the way

These are the kinds of things you will never take from me.

The beauty of travel, whether you like it or not, you are going to cross paths with all kinds of characters. They will tell you things. Some of these things you will like and you might be strive to achieve these exact things. Some you might find weird. But hey, atleast you know what you don't want.

With my journey on Nguja Island coming to a slow but rapid finish, I am stoked with that which I was able to learn here. I have met some amazing people here and have been able to use the extreme isolation on offer out here to really help broaden my ways of thinking. Or atleast so I believe ;)

Monday, October 2, 2017


It is what it is, unless it is not.

Everything experienced and dreamed of is rated using a polar based value system, each end being opposite of the other, and using this value system individuals will either complain profusely or be dancing in celebration in response to all events.

Let me explain: 

Without the experience of freedom, freedom is not recognized. Until that freedom is infringed on and then for a brief moment you will again remember the real value of your freedom. The same goes for things as simple as temperature, monthly salaries, health related issues, and so much more. 

The jungle is massive
In this realm of the relative we reside in, it is easy to begin taking the finer things in life for granted, and even the purest of situations that we might found ourselves in we can drown ourselves in unnecessary scandals of the day to day life. 

Hakuna Matata - Photo Ryan Hannival

The swahili culture have the saying "Hakuna Matata" - there are no problems - and I believe this culture has it so right in that statement (Not to say they live it entirely). More often than before I now find myself simply sitting, breathing, smiling at the simple wonder of just being.

Broaden the horizon
Situations all come and pass, some will be glory and some will be grim, and the only thing that is actually different about the two are the way you perceive these situations and what you are able to learn from them.

Look deeper
I too am in the process of learning to be more patient, respectful, and understanding but this is fine too. As long as you keep learning :)