Thursday, September 12, 2013

overstrand officer

Been cruising in the promised land the past few days. Onrus. The waves were spectacular and I am stoked once more.

There was far more filming than photo taking but here are a two landscape stills and one black and white of a bodyboarding maneuver.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

solo jalopski

I went surfing today at koeel bay. Got a couple of waves it was quite fun but shit IAMUNFIT. iam unfit. i amunfit. iamun. fit.

ANYWAYS the point is my fitness levels are low because I have been sick and I have just written test week and I have a whole list of excuses but thats my KAK.

I have also discovered the power of CAPSLOCK it makes the typefont bigger and more blockier/aggressive. 

Here are a few photos from after I nearly drowned at koeel bay.

I like this one

I like this one

I do not like this one. But I do not know why?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Is only 3 days away. I am excited. Keen to do a bit of missioning in my week off so lets hope the charts play nicely.

Small rollers